Sunday, May 14, 2006

Person For The Responsible Use of Blogs.

I have been noticing a trend in the blogoshpere. It seems many bloggers are signing off for the summer. This brings me to the question, "What are they doing?" What is causing them to leave their blogs behind?

Many people rely on these blogs to make it through their work and/or school day. It could be deemed irresponsible, dangerous even, to just jump ship on these people. Seriously, what effect will it have on the economy of Lexington if all of a sudden people started having to work while at work instead of reading blogs? Can our city stand such a shake up for the next three months?

I say we start a grass roots movement. If they want to stop blogging fine. But I am summoning the troops. I want everyone to cross-blog anyone whose blog they find to be "on hiatus." I don't care what you talk about, just talk long and often.

As for me, I refuse to go on summer hiatus. I will be here slinging the same slop I always do.

In fact I want to issue a challenge. I want you to find the "on hiatus" blogs and cross-blog on the following topics:
Electric Cars
Converse Tennishoes
Spandex Pants
Power Lines
Spaldings Donuts
So just choose one of the above mentioned topics, find an blog-en-hiatia, and cross-blog away. Then comment back here where you have cross-blogged so we can all read. Together we will keep the blogosphere moving.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the cross-blogging to begin...especially since most of the blogs I read are people I don't know.

And speaking of my blog stalking "problem," my favorite stalkee (yes Wes, you are my favorite) gave me a five at church tonight while smoking a doobie. I'm like the luckiest girl in the world!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW... thanks Nathan, at this rate cross-blog will create such hysteria that they will have to recall the latest edition of Websters to issue a relevant version. Yes!!!

Anonymous said...

cross blogging i do
to wiley in sweet haiku
you should try it too

Anonymous said...

hope andy's not mad
cross blogging is just a fad
it is just so rad

Anonymous said...

i overused just
my last haiku was a bust
to you i have fussed

Anonymous said...

A cross-blog haiku was posted on Tim Morrison's blog, but it seems he must approve them before they show up. So, instead, Matt Woodyard has been cross-blogged.

Anonymous said...

SORRY MAN! That's the magic of the cross-blog, it can happen to anyone at anytime. However, the likelihood of being cross-blogged decreases exponentially if you keep the blog updated. Better luck next time!

Nate said...

Come on folks, there are still blogs out there with folks on hiatus, or at least they haven't posted in a while. Go get 'em.

J.W., in QH's defense your last post said you wouldn't be posting much for a while.

Anonymous said...

oh yes david blake
his blog i did overtake
i'm sneaky like snake

Anonymous said...

I was thinking today after Angie called me out for shortening the word whatever to what-ev. I was thinking about this new form of ebonics and how words like most deff and 'sich are completly understood by our generation. Then I was thinking, is this really a form of ebonics or would it be ebon?

PS you have been cross-blogged, this is your hint to post a new one!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I'm on hiatus, although it's beginning to look that way, but I have recently blogged on one of your suggested topics (Spalding's - ) and less recently on another (cornhole - )

(Not sure if the links will work here)

Anonymous said...

Screwed up and copied the same link twice above .. the Spalding's link should be

although I guess neither one is a hot link ... copy/paste is your friend