Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Pertinent Question

At what age are you too old to have a blog?


Anonymous said...

Maybe when you have a Kenny Rogers and a Power Rangers link on your blog?!?

Anonymous said...

sarah...does the bob ross thing stand on its own w/out mention?

Anonymous said...

if you're not too old to wear a skirt in the church play then you're not too old to blog!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to see Nate in a skirt! Is he really!?!?

Bridger Anne said...

I hear that to even be considered to play the part of a Roman soldier you have to have to pretty awesome legs!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know who Bob Ross is?!?

Anonymous said...

Shame Sarah!! You kids these days just don't get an education in the fine arts!

Anonymous said...

So Jordan likes the pink one, but it is on your blog ... so fess up, which is your favorite one?

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda partial to the pink one too.

Anonymous said...

Nate, is it pink or "salmon"?
I just hope I don't walk into Sunday School one day and you have a skirt on then. That's when I'll start worrying about you.
BTW Bob Ross is awesome. I just wish I could paint 1/10 as good as he could.

Anonymous said...

forget Bob Ross, when is The Ross going to have another solo in church?!? It's been too long, I'm having withdrawl.

Anonymous said...

Um, Nathan, seriously . . .it's been a week since your last post. Surely something has gone through that head of yours since then.

Anonymous said...