Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I Don't Think I Can Handle It!!!

I was under the mistaken impression that blogs were suppose to be a release. An intellectual playground, if you will. An electronic opportunity to "lay on the couch." But I must confess, the pressures of blogging are putting me on a different sort of couch.

Do you think it's easy coming up with something that people will want to read day in and day out? Little bits of wisdom that enthrall the masses don't just appear out of thin air! There is literally hours and hours of research and fact checking that go into these posts. Referencing and Cross-referencing(which is referencing while wearing a dress) to be done. Let's face it this isn't some Wikipedia-Make-It-Up-As- You-Go type of site. This is a sincere, engaging, and mentally stimulating type of pointless journalism. I just don't know if I have what it takes to continue.

You miss a couple of days of posts and suddenly two of your four readers are all over you. "Nathan, I couldn't get out of bed, I was too upset because you didn't post" and "Nathan, I can't face college without your wisdom." I CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE!!! I AM NOT A YOUNG MAN! I HAVE SEVEN GRAY HAIRS!!! I CApN'T TrAKipE TqnHE vPRESyyiURE!!?!

Shoo, I'm glad I got that off my chest.

I had a great day today. Work was good, church was great. That guy that led S.A.L.T. sure was good looking and quite insightful. I would have to say the total package. Well, I can't wait to post again.


Anonymous said...

7 gray hairs...PUH-lease...and you'd better hang my black dress back up in the closet...

Anonymous said...

WHAT? 7 grey hairs?? thats impossible! i mean, do u even have 7 hairs??

30-something Singles said...

Sounds like the family is on to you.

Anonymous said...

Come on now, how do you ever expect us to believe you even have a reference... and the library of Banks and Hayes does not count. That's fine though... give in to the pressure of the BLOG. Whatever, I'll just go back to my normal route of traffic instead of diverting myself between classes to check to see if Nathan has imparted any words of wisdom yet! That's fine! Really... I'll get along just fine without it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shame on you Linnea!!! Young folks these days just don't appreciate the arts..tsk...tsk...

Anonymous said...

The Blog will continue.
It may turn into the literary equivalent of paint drying.
But the Blog will continue.
I have too many words, and they want out!