Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Expanding Our Horizons

Sorry for the delay since my last post but I have spent the last week totally focused on my role as thespian. I was playing the Roman Guard Gluteus Maximus in the Easter Play at church. In order to feel that I did the role justice I had to remain in character much of the time. Roman guards weren't all that big on blogs.

However, my time on stage has inspired me to finally pick a cause to support. It's the arts....too many people have told me that I am a natural. Plus, I really liked wearing the makeup.

So, to kick off the initial artsy-fartsy edition of this blog I want all comments to be submitted in Haiku form. That's right, 3 lines with 5, 7, and 5 syllables each. To ensure that this blog remains poetic all comments that do not contain a Haiku must be deleted. The gauntlet has been thrown.

Don't say to me, "Nate-
The Haiku idea's lame."
Eat toaster strudel.


Anonymous said...

I will not haiku
For you to expect me to
proves you have loose screws

Anonymous said...

Naw Dude,Not cool,okay
I just simply can't haiku today
I will say no way

Anonymous said...

Is Nea for real?
Or could she be just kidding?
Counting can be hard!

Anonymous said...

You say I've screws loose
But Haiku does not require
Rhymes like Doctor Suess

Anonymous said...

so I write with flair
and you act like you don't care
sad you can't compare!

Anonymous said...

THESPIAN? oh please
although you did have nice knees
you looked like a tease

Bridger Anne said...

I struggle with words
and numbers of syllables
How can I haiku?

Anonymous said...

yes, i am for real
i have the best haiku skill
so go take a pill

Anonymous said...

Bett wants a new post
But I won't do that until
More Haikomments come!

Anonymous said...

please comment oh please haiku is a gross disease
write...i'm on my knees

Anonymous said...

time for this to end
cuz no longer will i send
haikus to you friend

Anonymous said...

where is sarah eff?
haiku began and she leff!
her rhymes would be deff!

Anonymous said...

where is s. foster?
did a stranger accost her?
bet nea lost her!

Anonymous said...

Here I am Skate Queen
To be like you is my dream
I'll go eat ice cream

Anonymous said...

Nate's blog is da bomb.
I found you Miss New Bootie
Bring it back to me

Anonymous said...

ok, so now sarah is looking up the actual defenition of haiku
this defenitly needs to end!!

Anonymous said...

Did you know a Haiku is supposed to be about nature or the seasons?!? We have failed miserably!

Anonymous said...

see what I mean!

Anonymous said...

Nea is so hot (season reference)
Eyes sparkling like the bright sun (nature reference)
No I am not gay

Anonymous said...

Oh Legalism.
You have shown your ugly head.
Haiku snobs abound.

Anonymous said...

According to Webster, Legalism is only 3 syllables. Therefore, your Haiku is not legit. 5 syllables in the first line. Get with the program!

Anonymous said...

legalISTIC nerd!
syllable police?...ABSURD!
springtime is for birds
(thats right... season AND nature you english teacher wannabe!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Ummm, betty these things don't
have to rhyme, apparently
but who cares anyway

Anonymous said...

star wars, powerstick
chef daddio i do love
i love u!

Anonymous said...

nea's landlord is fine
she has no enemy not even time
for her the moon shines

Anonymous said...

Softball tomorrow
Six thirty do not be late
Porter Angels rock!

Anonymous said...

Haiku has become
Love fest for 1056
My roomie's the bomb

Anonymous said...

O.K. so Nathan won't post a new blog, that's fine, I'll do it for him! I was thinking yesterday after I heard on the radio that Webster's dictionary introduced some new words. Apparently celebutante, and podcast (the two that I remember) made the cut, and I thought that it would be fun to start new words and act them out in hopes that one day I might see my word grace the pages of a Webster's. My word for today is going to be cross-blogging. It is a verb, and it means to blog on a page that is not belonging to you in the form of a comment. I thought of it after all of the frustration from Nate not blogging enough, and myself running out of Haiku ideas. Sidenote: Betty you truly are the queen! I also had inspiration from Sarah's blog stalking. Apparently she got called out on someone else's page for such actions. If you want more info on that, I'm sure she'll give you the website (however, to truly find out what it is you would have to become one too!) So.... you sign off for today... Nathan, you have been officially cross-blogged!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

p.s. to make a cross-blog successful, I need other's to comment the cross-blog please!
(and also I realize there were a few typos, sorry, I got a little excited about the idea)

Anonymous said...

So if you permanently takeover another blogger's site are you a trans-blogger?