Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I am currently watching the television debut of the series "Quarterlife." The show follows six "creative" people in their twenties through the videoblog of a young lady named Dylan. The show has apparently gathered a following through episodes on the Internet. I am watching almost as research. My wife and I teach the quarterlife age group Bible study at our church and I am hoping to further my knowledge of the twenty-something condition. Apparently I have forgotten quite a bit in my four years of absence from that demographic.

I do believe, however, that there is need for a similar show for folks my age. So, this is my attempt to garner a web following that will eventually lead to my own television series. First of all my show will not be based on a videoblog...let's just say that I have a face for the written blog. Second, I don't own a digital camcorder so even if I were purty I would have a hard time proving that to you.

Let's get started.

Title: Originally "One/ThirdLife" was the title. This presents a problem. I am currently 34 years of age. 34 x 3 = 102. Now, that is an age that I could possibly live to but at my current rate of McDonald's consumption and UV ray exposure it is most unlikely. Additionally I doubt my kids much like the idea of changing my diapers as her retirement pastime. Using the average American male life expectancy of 74 years and dividing my age by that number the title could be "Forty-Five-Point-Nine-Percent-Life" but, quite frankly, it is depressing realizing that my life is that close to half over. So back to "One/Third Life" and Jordan and the boys will just have to live with the diaper changes. Will this upset them?...Depends.(I completely stole that joke from my brother-in-law...Listen to him on "The Show with No Name" weekdays on 630 WLAP from 3pm to 6pm).

Episode I: Our protagonist (we'll call him Nathan) documents his life and the the lives of those he loves on his blog. He tells of things such as he and his wife getting a baby-sitter(thanks Boppy) so they can go out on a date only to realize that they are exhausted and are more than happy to return home by 9:30(you're welcome Boppy). It will also tell of the adventures of parenthood including such things as the youngest son getting potty-trained(his third grade teacher is going to be so excited!). The show will include scenes of the ensemble cast sitting around discussing life much like on "Quarterlife" and previously seen on "Friends." The difference being instead of a trendy coffee house the witty banter will take place at the mall play area or at Chuck E. Cheese's. The conversation will not include dating exploits but will cover more practical aspects of life such as good places to download coupons and the dread of impending prostate examinations (I got six years).

Time Slot: I think this show should air in conjunction with "Quarterlife." The problem being that if "One/ThirdLife" comes on after "Quarterlife" (as would make sense chronologically) most of the one/third-lifers will probably already be in bed. So I think it should come on at 9pm with "Quarterlife" following at ten.

The Moral: Each "One/ThirdLife" episode will end with Nathan blogging about being completely elated with his lot in life. He would realize that many of the characters on "Quarterlife" would make fun of his thirtysomething lifestyle(yeah, we own a mini-van)...would he care...nope...would he trade with them...no way...does he miss that stage of life...a little...what does he miss most?...metabolism.