Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Jive Turkey

Years ago there was a death in the American-English lexicon. It happened slowly, so slowly that it was not noticed. In our indifference we Americans allowed an important phrase to not only slip into obscurity but to near extinction. Anthropolically speaking to allow such a phrase to disappear is to do a disservice to the generations to come.

This past weekend our street had a block party. Some friends from church stopped by. While in conversation with them I mentioned that it was my aim to return "Jive Turkey" to the english language. They looked at me blankly and responded, "Jive Turkey, what is that?" Now these friends are less than ten years younger than myself but have not had the oppurtunity to meet a friend and greet them with "What it is, you jive turkey?" How sad for them.

Wikipedia defines the phrase as follows: "Jive turkey was a derogatory slang word in African American Vernacular English. It usually indicates someone who, despite his pretense, is a fool or, more often, a swindler." (notice they use "was")

While this may have been the case in its earliest etymologies I believe the phrase morphed into a more familiar, lovingly derogatory phrase. Actually I believe it took on the meaning of its context. Similarly to "Dude" of the late nineties and early 2000's.

Jive Turkey was made known to all of America by its use in classic television shows of the late 1970's. George Jefferson used it often, The Sweathogs used it, and who could forget Fred Sanford's use of the phrase with Lamont and Grady.

I turned 6 years of age in September of 1979. By that time "Jive Turkey" was definitely on its way out. So, I am sad to say that I never got to utter the phrase while it was truly popular to say.

Come forward a few years. I am in college at the University of Kentucky. A friend of mine at Purdue hears the phrase (I don't remember where) and loves it. He decides he is gonna bring it back. He briefly uses the phrase in his conversations and emails but gives up after numerous funny looks and responses.

Jive Turkey flies under the radar once again. It revives as a concept from time to time with the naming of a band, a goofy dance, even a restaurant devoted to fried turkey. But, alas, it never makes it back into the lexicon as it was in the late 70's.

That brings us to today. It is my goal to return Jive Turkey to the level of use it enjoyed while J.J. Evans was painting pictures in Chicago. I have mentioned it in the past on this blog, but now I want to start a movement. Can you imagine the joy we will all share when McDreamy turns to McSteamy and says "Hand me that scapel you jive turkey."

So my challenge to you is to use the phrase. Use it often, but remember use it responsibly. I welcome any stories of its use to be catalogued here in the comments section of this blog. Do it for Rerun and the whole What's Happening gang.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

EIV Endorsements

The readership of this blog is estimated at around five hits per day. Since that is approaching the readership of all non-sports sections of the Lexington-Herald Leader we here at EIV feel it is time to start including endorsements for general elections.

Governor Ernie Fletcher v. Steve Beshear - in spite of my wife's crush on Beshear's running mate, Dan Mongiardo, I am going to have to go with the incumbent. Frankly, Beshear and Mongiardo just give me the heebie-jeebies--would one of you answer a question, any question, please.

Attorney General:
Jack Conway v. Stan Lee - Stan Lee's mustache is AWESOME! I can only hope that he will win and thereby inspire scores of Kentucky men to sport the Magnum P.I. look once again. I just wish he would do one campaign commercial sitting in a Ferarri 308GT.

Secretary of State:
Bruce Hendrickson v. Trey Grayson - I thought Condoleezza Rice was appointed by the president? So confused.

State Auditor:
Crit Luallen v. Linda Greenwell - Here is proof that the lottery didn't help education (nor will legalized gambling in casinos): What the heck is a state auditor? Since both candidates lack mustache appeal I must go on the issues. The main issue is this: It it just plain fun to say "Luallen." Come on try it...."Luallen." Priceless. I would give anything if her first name were "Suellen."

State Treasurer:
Todd Hollenbach v. Melinda Wheeler - Remember when Fayette Mall had a drug store in it? It was called Treasury Drugs. It was so handy. It was right across from York Steak House. I loved Yorks, great cheesecake. Now my favorite drug store is Wheeler Pharmacy, great cheeseburgers. There you have it...Melinda Wheeler for State Treasurer.

Commissioner of Agriculture:
David Lynn Williams v. Richie Farmer - While I generally can't vote against a three-named
candidate Richie's got Stan Lee Appeal. The 'stache trumps 3-names any day.

There you go. I have done the research so you don't have to.